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Berlibur Aman di Musim Hujan: Tips dan Destinasi Menarik Yuk Cek Apa Aja

Tips Aman Liburan di Musim Hujan 1. Persiapkan Jas Hujan Musim hujan seringkali membawa hujan tak terduga. Oleh karena itu, jangan lupa untuk memba…

Tips dan Cara Membayar Angsuran FIF, Mudah Kog

Pernah dengar tentang FIF? FIF adalah salah satu perusahaan pembiayaan yang cukup populer di Indonesia. Nah, kali ini kita akan membahas tentang cara…

5 Easy Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle should be adopted from an early age to avoid various disease attacks. Diseases that lurk due to a bad lifestyle include diabetes,…


Beauty is something that is very relative and different for each person. A research states that beauty can be seen from certain criteria. Sigma Resea…

12 Easy Ways to Remove Blackheads with Natural Ingredients

Blackheads are dirt that comes from dead skin cells and oil that stick to the surface of the skin. These particles will oxidize and appear black when…

9 Ways to Get Rid of Panda Eyes to Look Fresher

Panda eyes often make your face look less fresh and look older. For some people, using heavy makeup is a practical and fast way to get rid of panda e…

This Zen Concept Will Help You Stop Being a Slave to Old Beliefs

played baseball for 17 years of my life. During that time, I had many different coaches and I began to notice repeating patterns among them. Coaches …

The Shadow Side of Greatness

ablo Picasso. He is one of the most famous artists of the 20th century and a household name even among people who, like myself, consider themselves t…
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