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Beauty is something that is very relative and different for each person. A research states that beauty can be seen from certain criteria. Sigma Research states that the three assessment categories for the definition of beauty are beauty, brain, and behavior.

Beauty is a physical assessment, brain is an assessment based on intellectual ability, and behavior is a definition of beauty through behavioral assessment. However, automatically, the definition of beauty based on physical appearance plays the largest portion in determining beauty standards.


How to Maintain Beauty
There are many ways you can maintain your beauty, one of which is by caring for and maintaining healthy facial skin. To ensure appropriate facial skin health care, you need to know your facial skin type first. There are various types of facial skin that women often have, dry, oily and normal skin types.

Carrying out treatment or using skincare that is not suitable for your skin condition can cause your skin condition to worsen. Skin can become drier, oilier, and various health problems can appear on facial skin.

However, whatever type of facial skin you have, facial care is very necessary, especially in the morning and evening. It's best to know the most basic facial care so that your beauty can be well maintained.

Cleaning Face. After knowing your facial skin type, you can use facial cleansing products that suit your facial skin type. It is best to clean your face at least twice a day. To make your facial skin more optimally clean, you can do double cleansing. Not just your skin type, you can also choose a facial cleansing product that suits the skin problems you are experiencing. That way, facial skin will be optimally clean.
Serum. After cleaning your face, you can use a facial serum that suits your facial skin type and problems.
Moisturizer. Even if your face is oily, moisturizer is still needed to lock in the water content of facial skin.
Sunblock. Use sunscreen that has 30 SPF at least 15 minutes before doing activities under sun exposure.
Caring for Beauty
Apart from external care, you also need to care for and maintain your beauty by doing various things, such as:

Adopt a Healthy Diet
It's best to consume more various types of food that are good for healthy skin, such as mangoes, tomatoes, green vegetables, green tea, and various foods that contain omega 3. Not only that, you should limit your alcohol intake and consume more water to maintain facial skin health. well.

Manage Stress Well
Stress that is not managed properly can trigger various health problems on facial skin. High stress can cause various health problems that interfere with beauty, such as the appearance of acne, itchy skin, and dry skin.

Consume Water
Water is very good for keeping the skin moist, especially in the facial area. By keeping your body well hydrated, you will avoid various symptoms related to premature aging.

Stop the Smoking Habit
Similar to alcohol, smoking can also cause problems with skin health, especially on the facial area. Exposure to cigarette smoke can damage and reduce collagen production in facial skin, which causes facial skin to lose elasticity.

Fulfill Sleep Needs
Fulfilling your sleep needs will ensure your beauty is well maintained. Getting enough sleep helps you get rid of black marks under your eyes. When you rest at night, the skin will regenerate and produce collagen for the skin which makes the skin look healthy.

When Should You See a Doctor?
Of course, it's not easy to take care of your beauty. If you experience various diseases that interfere with your beauty, there's no harm in getting beauty treatments from a trusted dermatologist.

There are several beauty problems that should be treated directly by a doctor or medical team, such as acne, uneven facial skin color, blackheads, and the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

Don't forget to always fulfill the nutritional and vitamin needs that your skin needs so that your beauty is maintained. Fulfill medical needs through the Halodoc application. The vitamins and supplements you need will be delivered from the pharmacy to your location.

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